Frequently Asked Questions About Summer Session

What’s the difference between “在线” and “远程”?

  • 在线 classes meet asynchronously, where you and the instructor can log in at different times throughout the week to complete and assess assignments.
  • 远程 classes typically have some synchronous activities, meaning you’ll participate in lectures and group activities though remote learning software such as Zoom with your instructor and classmates at specific times. These meetings will occur within the timeframes of the scheduled class meetings to allow for as much participation as possible.

How can I tell if the course is 在线 or 远程?
Look for these words under “Location” in each course description of the summer schedule.

Are courses offered only during the day or can I take courses during the evening or on the weekend?
你可以 log in to 在线 classes whenever you have time. On the other hand, 远程 classes meet at specific times. 检查 summer schedule for courses that are right for you.

Can I use the courses I take in the summer toward my degree?
是的, if the courses are required for your program, it doesn’t matter if you take them fall, 春天, intersession or summer.

What are the dates for summer courses?
We have two five-week sessions of classes in the summer; the first session beginning on June 3, and the second on July 8. Summer session III runs for 10 weeks starting June 3. For details, see our academic calendar.

Do I have to apply to MCC to take a summer course?
No, you are welcome to take summer session courses at MCC whether you are already enrolled in a program at MCC or at another college/university, or you just want to take a course for fun!

When do I pay my bill?
你可以 pay at the time of registration or by the due date on your bill.

Can I get financial aid for my summer courses?
The Financial 援助 office can tell you if you are eligible for financial aid for the summer session. Contact Financial 援助 (

Can I audit a summer course?
是的! To audit a course, the appropriate form must be completed by the end of the drop/add period. 学费 and fees for auditing a summer session course are the same as auditing a credit course.

Can I transfer the course back to my four-year school?
In most cases, yes. Your home institution may require that you get its approval before you take a course here and transfer it. When you speak with your home institution, provide a copy of the course description. Course descriptions are available online.

Can I take more than one class in the summer?
是的! 你可以 take up to 12 credits total. During the five-week sessions, 然而, we recommend limiting your courses to no more than 6 credits in the first session and 6 credits in the second. Keep in mind that summer session courses are condensed.

I’m an MCC student. If I repeat a course during the summer, will it replace the course I took in the fall or 春天?
当一个 course is repeated, the higher grade will be used in calculating your GPA. However, all courses and grades will appear on your transcript.

How do I register for a summer course?
你可以 register for summer courses online or by mail.